iOpenGTS - Client for OpenGTS
FreeSave trip data on iPhone and synchronizes data with OpenGTSTrips can be selected by date range (by default, app shows the trips of current day);...
FreeNMEA client and server.Read GPS Data from core location ( or through direct connection for supported GPS, currently DUAL XGPS150 / 160 are...
FreeTools for performance sailors.
iOSGPS Units Converter GOLD
PaidConvert gps coordinates to 4000+ different coordinate systems, both projected and geographic, covering the whole world ( local systems, deprecated...
FreeGPS tracking with Video Capture, useful to record your car trips.Video contains speedometer and map, complete with audio recorded live from...
iOSSpeedometer-PRO : Free Tracking Trip Computer
FreeSpeedometer and GPS Tracker, exports track data in gpx and kmz format, can synchronize data with your own OpenGTS Server.This is not only a...
iOSGIS Viewer
FreeImports gis files generated from other tools and generates its own gpx by tracking location ; imported files con be viewed together , to allow...
iOSGPS Units Converter LITE
FreeConvert gps coordinates to 4000+ different coordinate systems, both projected and geographic, covering the whole world ( local systems, deprecated...