Ace App Studios
CSV Spinner Software Tool
PaidImport and rewrite data from CSV file.
WindowsWP Plugin Creator for WordPress
PaidBuild your own branded WordPress plugins.
WindowsRegex Column Splitter Tool
PaidCheck each cell of data and see if your Regular Expression is found, and splits accordingly.
WindowsImage Embedder
FreeAttach/embed images into emails instead of loading the images remotely.
WindowsSpin Rewriter Gold Software - Spin Articles
PaidRewrite hundreds of articles from one copy.
WindowsRegex CSV Data Splitter Tool
PaidCheck to see if your Regular Expression is found on that row of data, and splits accordingly.
WindowsKeyword Generator Magic
FreeGenerate unlimited keywords easily.
WindowsFree Expression Helper
FreeSave time when testing Xpath or Regex expressions.
WindowsPage Scraper for YellowPages
PaidCollect information from Yellow Pages.
WindowsBig Mouth Scraper for YELP
PaidCollect business data from YELP.
WindowsCell Extractor
FreeExtract cells with multiple lines.
WindowsCustom Code Adder Plugin for WordPress
FreeAdd your own custom code safely without editing your WordPress core files.
WindowsiApp Scraper
Trial versionScrape data from iTunes Web site.
WindowsCustom Video Embedder for YouTube
FreeEmbed YouTube videos with ease.
WindowsLemon Squeezy Scraper for Yellow Pages
PaidScrape data and business information from automatically.
WindowsVIP Access Software Suit
PaidGet a full access package to all Ace App Studios products.
WindowsKeyword Phrase Generator
FreeGenerate keywords or a list of phrases with ease.
WindowsAgent Browser for Web Designers
FreeSwitch between user agents when browsing websites.