Key Details of Team Grader

  • Team Grader helps supports clubs through the process of managing registrations, running grading/trial events and assigning players to teams. At the...
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Developer’s Description

Team Grader helps supports clubs through the process of managing registrations, running grading/trial events and assigning players to teams. At the...
Team Grader helps supports clubs through the process of managing registrations, running grading/trial events and assigning players to teams. At the end of the season, Team Grader makes the process of capturing player feeback easy. Team grader can be configured to be used for any team sport.RegistrationPlayers can register for a trial or grading event in 3 ways - register online for a trial.assign players to an event when they have registered for the season or manually enter players into the system.Custom uploads from your association registration system are also possible. Running GradingTeam Grader comes with a pre-defined grading process (for any team sport) which can be tailored for your club. Run grading in a fully electornic way (with scores recorded on an iphone in real-time) or use the supplied paper forms and enter the data later.Review and sort the results in Team Grader and select players for a 2nd grading session or trial game.Team AssignmentReview all players in an age group and easily assign them to a team.Use the grading scores for the player, player history and player notes to assist with team assignment.Export provisional and final teams to MS-Word for easy publishing.Player HistoryAs the end of the season, managers and coaches can record feedback on players online for use the following season.For rep. teams, access player history from their local club as part of the trial process (with the player's permission).Team Grader is a companion app for those clubs with an annual Team Grader subscription. Download the app for free. The app can be used for up to 20 players without a subscription.

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Compatible with: ipad2wifi, ipad23g, iphone4s, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen4g, iphone5, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadmini, ipadmini4g
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