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  • All Praise is due to Allah and much peace and many blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, his companions, his followers and those...
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Stories of iQuran HD by ( Ibn Katheer ) Quran Hadith of Islam 0/1

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All Praise is due to Allah and much peace and many blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, his companions, his followers and those...
All Praise is due to Allah and much peace and many blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, his companions, his followers and those who disseminate his call until the Day of Judgment. Here we are with the book Stories of the Qur'an by AI-Hafiz Isma` il Ibn Katheer Ad- Dimashqi (May Allah rest his soul), taking a tour throughout the stories mentioned in the Glorious Qur' an pertaining to which Allah the Almighty says: {Indeed in their stories, there is a lesson for men of understanding}. (Yusuf, 111) Yes, in order to find admonition, lessons and exemplary models! *****************************************Features:-Quick Search for desire topics-BookMark for favorites topics-For Spreading Hadith there is a EMAIL facility-Easily Switching form one topic to another topic-A very Realistic user interaction-Tell A Friend about this app-Feed Back for further changes-Automatic BookMark For Last Read Topic*****************************************Mainly the description of this application is been extracted from the quran verses and the authentic hadith.Here are the names of the Stories1. The Story of Habil and Qabil (Abel and Cain) 2. Harut and Marut 3. Dwellers of the Town 4. Story of the Heifer 5. Moses and AI-Khadir 6. The Story of Qarun (Korah) 7. Bilqis (Queen of Sheba) 8. The Story of Saba' (Sheba) 9. `Uzair (Ezra) 10. Dhul Qarnain 11. Gog and Magog 12. People of the Cave 13. The Believer & the Disbeliever 14. People of the Garden 15. The Sabbath-Breakers 16. Story of Luqman 17. People of the Ditch 18. Barsisa the Worshipper (The Renegade) 19. Owners of the ElephantAbout Author:`Imad Ad-Deen Isma`il Ibn `Umar IbnKatheer Al-Basri Ad-Dimashqi was born in 700 A.H., or shortly afterwards. After the decease of his father, Ibn Katheer, aged seven then, headed for Damascus, accompanied by his elder brother. He owed much of his learning to Ibn Ashginah, Al-Amadi, Ibn `Asakir and others, may Allah be pleased with them all. He immensely revered Ibn Taimiyah, may Allah bless his soul, whose views he believed, defended and mostly abided by, particularly as regards divorce. It was on account of this that he went through an ordeal and was made to suffer a lot.Ibn Katheer was widely acclaimed for the sublime degree of learning that he so admirably attained. Scholars have unanimously attested to his well- versedness, particularly in the fields of the exegesis of the Glorious Qur'an, Hadith and history. Ibn Habeeb describes him as "the leader of all men engaged in the exegesis (of the Qur'an). He amassed and categorized all (the knowledge) he heard. People marveled at his fatwas and benefited from his teachings. His fatwas grew widely popular all across the country.*****************************************Disclaimer:This app is uploaded in good faith and we have tried to remain as careful as possible to avoid mistake and provide content which is agreed by the most but please feel free to guide us if you find any objections or missing content*****************************************This application is also available for the iPad.Inshallah Further updation may be take us by Rating and Reviews May Allah Reward us

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