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Key Details of SPL Traffic Light

  • SPL Traffic LightMonitor sound levels for events, public spaces, and concerts. Two independent sound monitors allow you to configure this app to...
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  • There have been 7 updates
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    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Enlarged image for SPL Traffic Light
SPL Traffic Light 0/1

Developer’s Description

SPL Traffic LightMonitor sound levels for events, public spaces, and concerts. Two independent sound monitors allow you to configure this app to...
SPL Traffic LightMonitor sound levels for events, public spaces, and concerts. Two independent sound monitors allow you to configure this app to any local requirements.For example, set one traffic light to average SPL over 10 minutes, and set the other to monitor peak levels.Set one to A weighting, and the other to C weighting, or flat.This app works fine with the internal iOS device mic. You can also upgrade to our iPrecisionMic or iTestMic to get Class 1 or Class 2 results. Set the SPL decay (speed and type of averaging) to Fast, Slow, or any Leq value from 1 second to 8 hours. The Leq can be done one time period at a time, or it can be a running Leq of the last time period.Set the SPL weighting to flat (Z), A, C, or one of the low frequency octave bands, 32Hz, 63Hz, 125Hz, or 32Hz+63Hz.Coming soon: Email notifications, and presets for locations and venues.

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Compatible with: iphone3gs, iphone4, ipodtouchfourthgen, ipad2wifi, ipad23g, iphone4s, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen4g, iphone5, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadmini, ipadmini4g
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