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Key Details of Physical Therapist Assistant Content Master

  • Make reviewing essential physical therapy academic content enjoyable! Physical Therapist Assistant Content Master is designed to assist physical...
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Developer’s Description

Make reviewing essential physical therapy academic content enjoyable! Physical Therapist Assistant Content Master is designed to assist physical...
Make reviewing essential physical therapy academic content enjoyable! Physical Therapist Assistant Content Master is designed to assist physical therapist assistants to possess full command of core academic content. Physical Therapist Assistant Content Master is an ideal tool for physical therapist assistant students, recent physical therapist assistant graduates, and licensed physical therapist assistants.The academic content is organized into ten unique system and non-system categories. Musculoskeletal SystemNeuromuscular SystemCardiopulmonary SystemIntegumentary SystemOther SystemsEquipment and DevicesTherapeutic ModalitiesSafety and Professional RolesTeaching and LearningEvidence-Based PracticeTherapists can review selected content by scrolling through subcategories in each of the system and non-system categories or elect to review content in a random mode. Frequent review of essential academic content allows therapists to successfully convert the information to long-term memory. Physical Therapist Assistant Content Master includes an assessment mode that consists of 600 multiple-choice questions. The multiple-choice questions are designed to assess a therapists mastery of the information presented in the content review mode. The number of questions in each category varies from a minimum of 25 to a maximum of 125. Therapists can elect to take examinations in a specific category (e.g., musculoskeletal system) or in a random mode.A formal score report describes a therapists level of mastery in each of the ten system and non-system categories.Company InformationScorebuilders is the recognized market leader in licensing preparation for the National Physical Therapy Examinations (PT and PTA). Our product line consists of review books, two day review courses, web based comprehensive exams, flash cards, and iPhone applications. Scorebuilders has assisted PT and PTA students to pass the National Physical Therapy Examinations on their first attempt for over 20 years. Timely updates and clinically oriented questions have resulted in our products being recommended by faculty and students throughout the country. Copyright 2010 ScorebuildersPhysical Therapist Assistant Content Master is the exclusive property of Scorebuilders. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without the express written consent of Scorebuilders.

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