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Key Details of Perfect Pitch Practice Piano Pro for iPad

  • -----------------------------------------ver1.1- Add userss scale.User can freely select tones which is available for question in the practice...
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Perfect Pitch Practice Piano Pro for iPad 0/1

Developer’s Description

-----------------------------------------ver1.1- Add userss scale.User can freely select tones which is available for question in the practice...
-----------------------------------------ver1.1- Add users's scale.User can freely select tones which is available for question in the practice mode.- fixed bug about rotation.------------------------------------------P5 : Perfect Pitch Practice Piano ProThis is perfect pitch practice tool (auditory training tool) by piano.This tool generates the random tone sound of single tone, arpeggio and chord. After that you can enter the key(s) and confirm whether that is correct.Our special keyboard is use of entering chord on iPad.Flow: 1). you touch start button2). piano tone sound played as a question3). you touch the key(s) of the same tone that is played now4). judgement5). played tone key(s) highlighted6). return to 2).Scale : diminished, pentatonic, whole tone, diatonic, chromaticPlay mode : single note, arpeggio 2, arpeggio 3, arpeggio 4, chord 2(interval), chord 3(triad etc.), chord 4(7th etc.)Play Speed : slow, normal 1, normal 2, fast 3 octave support by slider.Practice mode : Select play mode you like and listen to limitless questions sound.Question mode:There are five levels. Each level has 12 questions.1). beginner : single note on pentatonic scale.2). level1 : arpeggio 2, 3, 4 on diatonic scale.3). level2 : chord 2, 3 on pentatonic scale.4). level3: arpeggio 4, chord 2,3 on chromatic scale.5). expert: chord 2,3,4 on chromatic scale.'Clear' Button : Clear key(s) buffer you touched.If press this button while answer time, you can re-enter key(s).'Repeat' Button:Repeat the current questions.'Edit' Button: start edit user's scale.'Save' Button: save user's scale.User's scale is for single note and key C only.more information, please visit to our website!

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Compatible with iPad., Requires iOS 3.2 or later., iTunes account required
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