Used News Mint-Stock Market News for Android? Share your experience and help other users.
Key Details of News Mint-Stock Market News
- Display consolidated finance news and predictions.
- Last updated on
- Virus scan status:
Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)
Developer’s Description
How it works:You select stocks as keywords and add them to your portfolios. Whenever any new News is generated anywhere across the web for the stocks that you have selected (keywords), you will receive a notification on your mobile device. This way you can keep in touch with all the development in stocks of your interest.The application also collects your sentiments for various stocks and enables you to share these sentiments with other users.You can interact with other users.You can set price alerts for your stocks. You can set minimum and maximum price range and get notifications when your price benchmark is breached.You can browse user profiles and their prediction data. You can also compare the predicted data with actual data.You can follow others users and get notifications when they make any predictions or follow any new stock.
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