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Key Details of myHomeFiling

  • Scan and store all your important papers securely in one place.
  • Last updated on
  • There have been 8 updates
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

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Developer’s Description

Scan and store all your important papers securely in one place.
The amount of paper that comes through the average letter box is staggering. Bills for this, statements for that, notice for this, another bill for that. Its an endless bombardment of paper, but where can the average household store all of this and find it when they need it?myhomefiling is the answer. By using myhomefiling with your computer and your scanner (you know, that thing you thought you might use one day but sits around gathering dust) you've got a complete home filing system. Wait, whats that, why do you need myhomefiling? you've got x, y or z on your computer already; Well, myhomefiling's beauty is in it's simplicity (ease of use is top priority for our team of developers) and it's rather smart filing system.

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Full Specifications

Latest update
Operating System
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8
Additional Requirements
.NET Framework 4, TWAIN Scanner, Microsoft Office 2003
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