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Key Details of MathTappers: Multiples - a math game to help children learn basic facts for multiplication and division

  • While flashcards have some utility in helping people memorize, they are best used afterwe have mastered a topic and need to build fluency they are...
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MathTappers: Multiples - a math game to help children learn basic facts for multiplication and division 0/1

Developer’s Description

While flashcards have some utility in helping people memorize, they are best used afterwe have mastered a topic and need to build fluency they are...
While flashcards have some utility in helping people memorize, they are best used afterwe have mastered a topic and need to build fluency they are not magic and wontsupport the development of understanding on their own. MathTappers: Multiples is asimple game designed first to help learners to make sense of multiplication and divisionwith whole numbers, and then to support them in developing fluency while maintainingaccuracy.The designers of the MathTappers apps are math educators and researchers seeking tocreate simple games that will help learners to make sense of mathematics one concept ata time. We have designed MathTappers apps to support students in learning mathematicsby providing relevant visual models, focused content and helpful suggestions for parentsand educators.Our motto is: Play, Explore, Understand!Current MathTappers Apps include:MathTappers: Clock Master learn to tell timeMathTappers: Estimate Fractions make sense of fraction sums and differencesMathTappers: Find Sums learn basic facts for addition and subtractionMathTappers: Multiples learn basic facts for multiplication and divisionVisit for more information.

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