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Key Details of Manam App - 100% for Telugu People

  • Manam App is a first location based social networking Mobile App for Telugu people. It provides a platform for Telugu people to express, connect...
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Developer’s Description

Manam App is a first location based social networking Mobile App for Telugu people. It provides a platform for Telugu people to express, connect...
Manam App is a first location based social networking Mobile App for Telugu people. It provides a platform for Telugu people to express, connect and share/chat with Telugites, around them at any given geo location.When Telugu neighbors connect, good things happen!!Express to Share your thoughts, Seek information, Get Help, Find, Discuss and Connect with Telugu people in your neighborhood. People you interact with are the Telugu people around you. Just download the App and start Expressing.Features:Express to show what you have been up to.View nearest Telugu people and what they have been expressing, around your geo location.Get acquainted and become friends by sending a Namaste Request.Involve in endless conversations with Chat functionality.Daily Factoids throwing insights on interesting Facts about Telugu people.Why Use Manam App ?University Students: New to country? Get to know fellow Telugu students by expressing and connecting with them. You can express about Accommodation needs, Curriculum [course work assignments, projects, professors, study material], On/off campus job openings, Good food, Movies [gossips, reviews, new releases], Form teams for weekend games and tournaments, Friends gatherings, local events and parties.Working Professionals: Moved to a new city for a new project? We got your back! Ask from people around you about the best in area. You can express and get help in your needs for settling-in at the new place. Meet new Telugu people with similar interests and connect with them for mutual benefits. Get company for Carpool, daily jogging, Tennis, Swimming and many more.Telugu Families in a Community: Gather with the Telugu neighbors for celebrating Festivals, Birthday parties, Potluck lunch/dinner, poker games and many more, Recommend a trustworthy Nanny/Household Help/Handyman, Dance Teacher and Tuitions for children. Quickly get the word out about a break-in & organize a neighborhood crime watch.General: Stand for a Cause: Spread the word about your social cause be it to gather support for a national disaster or individual medical help. Live Traffic Updates: Never get stuck in traffic jam; warn others with live traffic updates of your area. Buy and Sell: get the best deals from people living next door, or sell your old stuff. But marketing from companies is banned Emergency Express: In case of emergency call for help and warn others.Express more Experience more With Manam App a Telugu person is never alone!

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Compatible with: ipad2wifi, ipad23g, iphone4s, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen4g, iphone5, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadmini, ipadmini4g
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