Key Details of KIDpedia Alphabet - ABC's in English, Spanish & French

  • LIMITED TIME OFFER ::: Buy KIDpedia Alphabet for FREE Tell your friends before promotional offer endsKIDpedia: fun and intuitive way to learn the...
  • Last updated on December 9, 2012
  • There have been 8 updates
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KIDpedia Alphabet - ABC's in English, Spanish & French 0/8

Developer's Description

LIMITED TIME OFFER ::: Buy KIDpedia Alphabet for FREE Tell your friends before promotional offer endsKIDpedia: fun and intuitive way to learn the...
LIMITED TIME OFFER ::: Buy KIDpedia Alphabet for FREE Tell your friends before promotional offer endsKIDpedia: fun and intuitive way to learn the alphabet (ABC).This is a universal and multilingual app, it means it can be installed on iPhones, iPod Touches and iPads at no additional cost to you. Learning the alphabet in English, French and Spanish is a lot easier with KIDpedia Alphabet.While most kids' alphabet apps consist of static flashcards, KIDpedia Alphabet provides an interactive environment that promotes learning, cause and effect, fine motor skills and engagement with every element in the app.This wonderful and interactive app is an excellent way for children to learn the alphabet and letter shapes by associating them with new words. They will be able to play and interact with the sun, a cloud they can drag in the sky, different animals and objects that appear on the screen stimulating learning and curiosity in a playful environment.You can select the language of your choice between: English, Spanish and French so your child or children can learn the pronunciation of each letter and respective graphic in the language they choose, in addition to their first or second language. Your children will have a blast with this feature as it encourages them to learn new words and sounds. In addition they can playback any of these words as many times as they want. This activity also helps them distinguish phones, phonemes and words in each different language, at no additional cost!Children will have a blast with the beautiful graphics in this app. Most of these graphics can be moved around the screen, letters are swiped in a very intuitive way, cause and effect are demonstrated with interactions of the moving graphics. Alphabet letters are arranged sequentially so your children can follow the logical order of the letters without confusion, tapping the alphabet letters will expand the letters to promote letter shape recognition emphasizing their pronunciation.http://www.KIDpediaInteractive.comESPAOLKIDpedia Alfabeto es una manera intuitiva y divertida de aprender las letras. Aprobado por niosEsta es una aplicacin multilinge universal, lo cual significa que puede ser instalada en iPhones, iPod Touches y iPads sin ningn costo adicional e incluye tres idiomas: ingles, espaol, y francs. Aprender el alfabeto en otros idiomas es mucho ms fcil con la ayuda de KIDpedia Alfabeto.Mientras muchas de las aplicaciones del alfabeto o abecedario estn basadas en tarjetas estticas, KIDpedia Alfabeto fue diseado para brindar un ambiente interactivo que promueve el aprendizaje, causa y efecto, habilidades motoras finas y la relacin de cada elemento en la aplicacin.Usted puede seleccionar el idioma de su preferencia entre: ingles, espaol y francs para que su nio (Visite nuestra pagina web para mas informacin)FRANAISLalphabet KIDpedia permet d'apprendre les lettres de faon ludique et intuitive ; approuv par les enfants !Il sagit dune app universelle et plurilingue : elle peut tre installe sur les IPhones, les IPod Touch et les IPad sans frais supplmentaire, et est fournie avec 3 langues intgres : anglais, espagnol et franais. Avec l'alphabet KIDpedia, il est bien plus simple dapprendre lalphabet dans d'autres langues.Alors que la plupart des app alphabet pour les enfants consistent en cartes de support visuel figes, lalphabet KIDpedia a t conu pour fournir un environnement interactif qui favorise lapprentissage, la relation du cause effet, la motricit fine et la participation active dans chaque aspect de lapp. Vous pouvez slectionner la langue de votre choix entre : langlais, lespagnol et le franais afin que votre, ou vos enfants... (Visitez notre site internet htp://

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Full Specifications

December 9, 2012
Latest update
December 9, 2012
Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Compatible with iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.1 or later. iTunes account required
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