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Key Details of GIB - Get It Back

  • The app Get It Back gives you the possibility to retrieve or give back all your private and business items on loan. The apps focus is on the...
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    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Developer’s Description

The app Get It Back gives you the possibility to retrieve or give back all your private and business items on loan. The apps focus is on the...
The app Get It Back gives you the possibility to retrieve or give back all your private and business items on loan. The apps focus is on the graphical presentation of the items. A picture says more than a thousand words. Each item can be given a name and added to an entry from the address book. The name can also be entered manually.Items retrieved can be found in the storage memory/recent items list and can be lent or borrowed again from here.Hello to sales representatives and commercial agents! You now have the chance to see on the map where exactly the items are that you have lent out. Once in your sales district or at your destination, just check out your app to find items with red edges: This item is due and can be picked up. The new function of writing individual texts for e-mails and SMS is also very helpful for you: enough capacity to address your customers individually and product-related.*** App features ***Synchronisation via iCloud (InApp Purchase)Universal app (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad)Display of items on the mapReminder per SMS, e-mail or telephone callExtend texts without limit and adapt them individuallyMemo field for more detailed informationChange background wallpaperPick name from address book or enter manuallySort items by item name, due date or person nameChoose picture from icon list, library or taken with cameraEnter due dates for items lent or borrowedNotification of due itemsOverview of items retrieved or returned in the storage memory/recent items listFrom the storage memory/recent items list items can be linked to a person without entering the item againShow name of item (yes/no)Show name of person with name of item (yes/no)Delete items from the storage memory/recent items list after a certain period*** Support ***For inquiries or if problems come up, please turn to our support team. *** Feedback ***If you would like to have this app in your language, please contact the support team. Any suggestions and a rating of the app in the App Store will be highly appreciated.We wish you lots of returned items enjoy the app!Thank you.Your GIB team from Ramaka-Solutions*** Customers say: ***Quick, simple and very effective 5 StarsIn the course of my work I regularly lend out books and multimedia items. Sadly I don't always get them back. Somehow not returning books is not seen as theft - it is! I've tried many methods but somehow books are lent out and because recording the action is cumbersome and time consuming the book goes with only a muttered verbal plea for it to be returned, often they are but not always. GIB is a universal app which means I will always be in a position to record a loan. Sync feature between devices would be great but possibly a development step not envisaged currently. Right now the app is quick, simple and very effective and I will be purchasing the full app in due course. Yet another app that increases the value of iPhone and iPad.Copyright:Avatar: Urheber: kakigori / 123RF Lizenzfreie Bilder

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Compatible with: ipad2wifi, ipad23g, iphone4s, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen4g, iphone5, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadmini, ipadmini4g
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