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  • Find Sex Offenders FREE! allows you to find out where the sex offenders in any area live and provides a personal information profile on every...
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Developer’s Description

Find Sex Offenders FREE! allows you to find out where the sex offenders in any area live and provides a personal information profile on every...
Find Sex Offenders FREE! allows you to find out where the sex offenders in any area live and provides a personal information profile on every offender. This app helps keep your family safe anywhere they go by pulling information about sex offenders in all 50 states and displaying them by location.Awesome app! *****Great app for parents pin points location of offender and address based off location of you phone not to mention their picture-ScoobuwhyiGreat app *****Very informative-dramafreeNow more than ever people need to be informed about their surroundings, and who resides near where they live, work, and play. People's appearances are often deceiving, especially those individuals with a checkered past; so it's very important to know who you may encounter when you least expect it.Find Sex Offenders Free! does just that for you, your family, and friends. Between after school sports leagues, that new neighbor next door, and even online dating sites, you're exposed to potential danger without even knowing it.Find Sex Offenders Free! features include:* NO limits on search results* NO limits on number of uses per day* Full featured application!* Use GPS function to find registered offenders in close proximity* Search for registered offenders by addresses in your contacts* Input address manually to find offenders in the area* Map all offenders in the selected area* Detailed profile of each offender (picture, location, description)* Map selected offenderNow, no matter where you go in the United States, you'll never be without the vital information that could make the difference between an enjoyable afternoon, and one where you could be in danger. The GPS feature offers you the convenience of one touch searching. Just click "Use current location" and get a detailed profile on all offenders in the area, based on your current GPS coordinates.With a single touch of the display, you'll find every registered sex offender in the area. Select a specific result to get a full scale profile, complete with a list of their offenses, their location, and a photo, of the selected sex offender.You don't always know people as well as you think you do, but Find Sex Offenders FREE! helps you learn more about the people you talk to every day. Use this app to search for sex offenders directly from your contact list, or enter a specific street address. By entering your friends and family's addresses you can also alert them to danger that may be lurking right in their own neighborhoods.This app offers you instant peace of mind as you go through your daily travels with its detailed information and easy to use interface. With so many free features, and unlimited searches, you'll always feel safe and secure whether you're at home, or on the road. Download Find Sex Offenders FREE! now and have the comfort of knowing that you'll always be informed of your surroundings, and who lives near them.*Sex offender information only available for offenders in the U.S.Free the Apps! brings you the quality of paid apps for free. We have registered over 37 million total downloads. Your continued support allows us to bring you more updates and apps for free. If you haven't gotten a chance to try out our other top free apps, check them out and spread the word! Thanks! :D

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iOS 12.1.2
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Compatible with: iphone3gs, iphone3gs, iphone4, iphone4, ipodtouchfourthgen, ipodtouchfourthgen, ipad2wifi, ipad2wifi, ipad23g, ipad23g, iphone4s, iphone4s, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen4g, ipadthirdgen4g, iphone5, iphone5, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadmini, ipadmini, ipadmini4g, ipadmini4g
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