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Key Details of Earth and Space Free

  • This is a free version of the Earth and Space App that helps in interactively exploring Earth and Space using real time simulations. The list of...
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  • There have been 7 updates
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    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Developer’s Description

This is a free version of the Earth and Space App that helps in interactively exploring Earth and Space using real time simulations. The list of...
This is a free version of the Earth and Space App that helps in interactively exploring Earth and Space using real time simulations. The list of simulations and activities that can be performed on the simulations are given below. Please note that free version contains only 2 simulations where as full version has an exhaustive coverage of full features in 9 simulations. The simulations in this App are 3D like and are designed very carefully to support multiple view points of the Earth-Sun-Moon system (Top view, Side view, Orthogonal view etc., wherever necessary). Suppose Earth is moved in top view, then its position also changes in side view correspondingly, thereby providing a very helpful & visual clarity of motion of these heavenly bodies from different views. *List of simulations------------------------ (Pls note - Only the first 2 are available in free version. Full version contains all the simulations)1. Order of Planets in Solar System (Free version) - You can place the planets in the correct order from Sun. If they are placed in correct order, they rotate! Play and Learn! 2. Day and night on Earth, Earth's tilt (Free version) - Observe the time it takes for full rotation in a 3D simulation 3. Earth-Sun and Moon System (Paid version)- You can manually set the duration for the Earth or Moon to rotate. See why it takes 28 days for the Moon to rotate around Earth, how many times Moon rotates around Earth in a Year etc., Very interesting activities.4. Causes of Seasons (Paid version) - See the Earth rotate in a 3 dimensional view and practically understand how seasons are formed at different poles. 5. Phases of the Moon (Paid version) - Step by Step you can touch and control the Phases of the Moon by rotating the Moon around the Earth. 6. Lunar Eclipse (Paid version) - Find out how it appears from different parts of Earth? How is this formed? - Touch the moon to simulate Lunar Eclipse! 7. Solar Eclipse (Paid version)- How it appears from different parts of Earth? How is this formed? - Simulate and learn! 8. Do you know why a Lunar Eclipse cannot happen every full moon?(Paid version) - Understand it through this 3D simulation. Touch and rotate the Moon, Earth and find out yourself why it happens only on specific full moon days. 9. Ocean tides - Full moon/New moon(Paid version) - Do you know why there are spring tides and neap tides? You can touch and control the motion of moon and see how the ocean tides vary with the position of Moon - Real time simulation!

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Compatible with: ipad2wifi, ipad2wifi, ipad23g, ipad23g, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen4g, ipadthirdgen4g, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadmini, ipadmini, ipadmini4g, ipadmini4g
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