Motorola Solutions
WAVE Mobile Comm PTT (5.11)
FreeThe WAVE Mobile Communicator turns your Android device into a multi-channel push-to-talk handset for fully secure, real-time push-to-talk (PTT)...
AndroidPremierOne Handheld
FreeDesigned specifically for Public Safety use with Motorola Solutions PremierOne Suite as a connected officer solution.
AndroidSpillman Touch
FreeThis requires Spillman Flex 6.3 with the 1607 or later release.
iOSMSI TechHub
FreeThe MSI TechHub offers employees one place to go for helpful applications and links from IT.
iOSWAVE Push-to-Talk (PTT) (5.12+)
FreeWAVE Mobile Communicator by Motorola Solutions turns your device into a broadband push-to-talk (PTT) handset for fully secure, unified workgroup...