Key Details of CEC Bank Mobile Banking

  • Folosind aplicatia CEC Bank Mobile Banking, economisiti timp si bani.Principalele facilitati puse la dispozitia clientilor prin intermediul...
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CEC Bank Mobile Banking 0/1

Developer’s Description

Folosind aplicatia CEC Bank Mobile Banking, economisiti timp si bani.Principalele facilitati puse la dispozitia clientilor prin intermediul...
Folosind aplicatia CEC Bank Mobile Banking, economisiti timp si bani.Principalele facilitati puse la dispozitia clientilor prin intermediul serviciului CEC Bank Mobile Banking sunt:a)In sectiunea publica clientii beneficiaza de acces la:Tutorial Datele de contact ale banciiCursul de schimb valutarLista de produse si servicii ale CEC BankIndici de referintaCalculator de rateLocalizare ATM-uri si agentiiMeniul de inregistrare in aplicatieb)Daca se inregistreaza, clientii beneficiaza de acces la:Vizualizarea situatiei financiare a conturilor proprii in timp real;Plati in lei si in valuta, intre conturile proprii, intra si interbancareProgramare ordine de plata periodicePlati in asteptare - ordine de plata care au indicata o anumita zi de executie a platii, alta decat ziua curentaSchimburi valutare la curs fermDepozite constituire, lichidarePlati de facturi de utilitati, inclusiv prin scanarea codului de bareIstoric tranzactii cu diverse optiuni de filtrare a tranzactiilor----------------------------------------------------------------------------Using CEC Bank Mobile Banking application you will save time and money.The main facilities for the customers of the CEC Bank Mobile Banking application are:a)In the public area customers will have access to the following features:Tutorial;Contact;Exchange Rates;Information about CEC Banks products and services;Reference index;Loan calculator;ATMs and branches location;Application registration menu.b)If they register, they will have access to the following features:Real time access to the financial statement of all their accounts;Payments in RON or in foreign currency, between own accounts, intra and inter-banking;Planning the regular payment orders;Standing orders - payment orders having indicated a certain date for the execution of the payment, other than the current date;Currency exchanges at firm exchange rate;Deposits create, break;Bill payments, including by barcode scanning;Transaction history with various transaction filter options.

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Compatible with: iphone4, ipad2wifi, ipad23g, iphone4s, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen4g, iphone5, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadmini, ipadmini4g
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