Key Details of Boundary Application Monitoring

  • Monitor application performance or IT operations online.
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Developer's Description

Monitor application performance or IT operations online.
Boundary provides a new kind of applicationmonitoring for new IT architectures: one-second app visualization, cloud-compatible,and only a few minutes from setup toresults. Boundary offers the industry's firstcloud-based capability that discovers andcreates a visual representation of the logicalapplication topology, and tracks changes toit in real-time. Modern IT applications arehighly distributed and dynamic in nature,and operations/DevOps teams are finding itincreasingly difficult to monitor and maintainthose applications. Boundary helps to bridgethat gap by replacing the "mental model"of the application topology with the "actualmodel."Unlike traditional IT monitoring tools thatassume a fixed infrastructure, Boundaryis ideal for dynamic environments thatexperience change on a massive andcontinuous scale including:Public/Private Clouds (includinghybrid) as well as fixed datacenter;Software Defined Networks ortraditional fixed networks;Highly Agile application developmentenvironments, characterized bycontinuous deployment;Single language or Polyglotapplications;SQL or NoSQL clusters;Traditional or Big Data applicationstacks;Boundary's application discovery andvisualization is made possible by Boundary'sunprecedented capability to monitor everypacket that flows to/from every serverinstance, whether in the cloud, datacenteror hybrid environments. Thus, instead ofrelying on a periodic re-discovery of thetopology or an outdated CMDB, Boundaryis showing in real-time the actual and truecommunication between application tiers.Layered on top of the application topology,Boundary highlights another new capability:the latency or response time betweenthe different tiers of an application. Thisadditional new capability is essential toensure that both performance and costare optimized across the application andthat changes to the application code or theenvironment do not have negative effects.

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
  • Windows 10
  • Windows Server
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