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Key Details of Blades - The Grassland Biome

  • ***** Flawlessly Designed - Children's Book Review***** A Truly Exceptional Learning Experience - Kids' Book Review***** 2014 Kapi Award -...
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Developer’s Description

***** Flawlessly Designed - Children's Book Review***** A Truly Exceptional Learning Experience - Kids' Book Review***** 2014 Kapi Award -...
***** Flawlessly Designed - Children's Book Review***** A Truly Exceptional Learning Experience - Kids' Book Review***** 2014 Kapi Award - Honorable Mention***** Editors Choice Award - Children's Technology Review***** A Masterpiece - Teachers with Apps***** Near Perfection - Mobile iEducator***** Phenomenal - Technology in EducationBlades is a state of the art, elementary science book based on the grasslands biome. Developed in collaboration with the Department of Biology at Doane University and a team of educators, this standards based, core curriculum aligned digital science book includes both interactive enhancements and universal design accessibility features. Blades is part of our Crack the Books series of interactive non-fiction books. Crack the Books are the first digital books that can be ADJUSTED FOR READING LEVEL without sacrificing curriculum content. Targeting 3rd to 5th grade science and social studies core curriculum concepts, our digital books allow for reading level adjustment from 1st grade to 8th grade, making it possible for all students in a classroom to access the same curriculum content regardless of their reading ability.Designed with the goal of improving reading comprehension, fostering a love of learning, and building reading confidence, Blades gives educators a powerful new teaching tool to help all students, from children with special needs to those who are academically gifted. Blades covers a variety of topics, including the structure of grass, plant and animal wildlife, adaptations, benefits of grasslands, and grassland threats. Students will learn about all major grassland ecosystems including tropical savannas, steppes, prairies, pampas, and velds. Crack the Books feature hundreds of supportive audio and visual elements including beautiful high definition photographs, integrated video footage, fun facts, custom animations, custom images, and interactive charts, tables and globes. There are comprehension supports built into the text, with pop up definitions for associated new vocabulary. Students may further interact with the content by creating bookmarks, highlights and study notes.Crack The Books helps teachers manage their classrooms by including interactive tests and glossaries for each chapter and each reading level. Students will answer questions in a variety of formats including Drag and Drop, True/False, Multiple Choice, Vocabulary Matching, and Essay. All non-essay test questions are automatically graded, allowing educators to efficiently monitor students mastery of concepts and reading comprehension skills.Teachers can further manage multiple iPads by assigning personal Dropbox folders to store student bookmarks, highlights, study notes and test results. Teachers may also create custom tests and integrate them seamlessly with their classroom iPads.For students with special needs, there are additional settings for common classroom and assessment accommodations including text to speech, answer dictation, image reinforcement and text zooming. The combination of multiple reading levels and multiple testing levels gives teachers and schools unprecedented flexibility to use a single book across multiple grades as well as in classrooms with a broad spectrum of readers. Features:Lexile certified reading levels from 1st to 8th gradeCore curriculum aligned contentVisual supports for comprehensionOver 100 high-resolution imagesVideos and custom animationsInteractive globes and mapsBuilt in vocabulary definitionsInteractive glossary with record feature20 individual chapter quizzes, 5 final testsCustom testsBuilt in test gradingText to speechIntegrated voice over featuresText zoomBookmarks for multiple studentsDropbox integrationCrack The Books offers educators the first truly universally designed book for all elementary students, whether they are struggling readers, typically developing or academically gifted.

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iOS 12.1.2
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