Used A Free Confident Public Speaking Hypnosis Session for Windows? Share your experience and help other users.
Key Details of A Free Confident Public Speaking Hypnosis Session
- Get a six-minute session that will boost your confidence in public speaking.
- Last updated on
- There have been 3 updates
- Virus scan status:
Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)
Editors’ Review
This freeware program may help you improve your public speaking skills, but in addition to some design and programming flaws, it seems more like a lure to purchase the accompanying audio sessions.
A Free Confident Public Speaking Hypnosis Session is a mouthful to say, and seems to promise a bit more than the simple interface delivers. It's easy to use, with only two buttons to start and stop the session, but we found a glitch when we tried to maximize the window.
During the session, messages flash at the center of rotating zigzag lines, but the graphics seem amateurish. Messages are affirmations like "Be assertive" and "Maintain eye contact." The session runs just 6 minutes, and while it's free, you'll have to shell out an extra $8.95 to buy the accompanying audio file.
The pitch from the publisher is prominently displayed on the interface, making the program seem more like advertising than a freeware program. You can't customize the program in any way, and no user settings are offered. You won't lose anything by trying the free session, but be warned that it seems more like an add-on to a paid program than a standalone application.
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