Key Details of 1 to 100 spelling learning : games for kids
Developer's Description
Our goal is to learn with fun and games that is an easy way to teach kids. 1 to 100 Spelling learns for toddlers and kids. KidsLearnWithFun provides a new way to educate our children that's called edutainment (education + entertainment).
A great kids games for learning Number 1 to 100 - Spelling games to improve our toddlers IQ training. It's the best way to increase our kid's knowledge through our different 10 activities where Kids learn how to spell and it is the best spelling games for grade 1. Many people recommended it for classroom spelling math games to learn a spell of numbers.
By practicing with kids number 1 to 100 free game baby's easily converted numbers to words with spelling game playing by spelling word practice. This is an easy way to learning numbers, numeric and spelled out. 1 to 100 spelling learning games can help to learn numbers very quickly and effective way and also practice have fun with other games like Dictate, Tap, arrange, drag, pick, pair, find, spelling finding and also fun game scratchpad spelling board games.
1. Beginner track (Beginner): Kids learn how to spell by spelling games of 1 to 100 numbers.
2. Dictate with me (Beginner): Kids will improve power on spelling where kids also speak spelling with it. It also knows as spelling word practice games.
3. Tap me (Beginner): Kids will make confident in spelling game of 1 to 100 kids numbers as classroom spelling learning.
4. Arrange me (Intermediate & Expert): Now your kids have on intermediate level. Kids can identify the correct spelling and arrange it in the correct order like spelling board games.
5. Drag me (Intermediate): Kids understand the correct spelling of numbers like grade 1 student.
6. Pick correct (Intermediate): Kids fill confident on spelling
7. Pair me (Expert): Now your kids is/are expert in the spelling of numbers. The perfect exercise to remember the number's spelling.
8. Find number (Expert & Fun): Kids identify the number, so they can have confidence in numbers
9. Find spelling (Expert & Fun): kids identify the spelling of numbers, so they can have confidence in spelling of numbers. This is the final stage where finally Kids learn how to spell.
10. Scratchpad (Fun and Learn Game): Numbers fun game to learn and fun. Kids Enjoy it.
Parents also customize settings for numbers in settings option like 1 to 10, 11 to 20, 21 to 30 .... 91 to 100 through multiple option choice and the application made to enable that selection for your kids to play with it.
KidsLearnWithFun coming soon with below spellings games in 2019:
Learning Alphabets spellings
Learning Animals spellings
Learning Fruits spellings
Learning Vegetable spellings
Learning Body Parts spellings
Learning Sight Words spellings
Learning Numbers spellings
Learning Flowers spellings
Learning Birds spellings
Learning Transportation spellings
Learning Months spellings
Learning Days spellings
Learning Shapes spellings
Learning Colours spellings
Learning Domestic Animals spellings
Learning Three letters words spellings
Learning Computer parts spellings
Learning Office items spellings
Learning Living Room items spellings
Learning Bathroom Items spellings
Learning School Items spellings
Learning Professions(Jobs) spellings
Learning Indoor Activities spellings
Learning Outdoor Activities spellings
Learning Water Animals spellings
Learning Food Items spellings
Learning Countries spellings
KidsLearnWithFun made spelling learning app for kids and toddlers. Pre-schoolers & kindergarten educational games for free and paid also we give some advance level in kids educational games like 123 Numbers for Kids - Learning games pro, Kids Numbers Spelling Pro, preschool numbers 123 Numbers Pro, pro Basic Fun Game for Kids, Pro Maths Practice, 1 to 100 numbers pro games kids play and enjoy games.
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